Friday, July 5, 2013


So movies thought me a shit load of interesting shit. Dear John thought me, that when the love of your life goes off to war...marry your fucking neighbor, who incidentally has cancer, why? Because he fucking needs you and you can't take care of him unless you're married. Mother fuck, biggest load of romantic drama bullshit I've ever seen. Then there's an all time favorite, Titanic. This shit showed me how to be a disobedient, clingy bitch. If Rose had gotten on the fucking life boat and left capable Jack to find his own way to shore, he wouldn't have sunk to the icy depths of the fucking ocean. And this slut moved on right quick, cause she had fucking grand kids, so we all know she didn't sit pinning her loss for too long, she jumped right back on some dick. Let's discuss The Note Book, ohhhhh some good mushy shit in this one. Teaches me when you're a poor guy, build yourself up to snag a snotty rich bitch, with shallow ass fucking parents. And....when you finally get this bitch, and marry her, and live your happily ever after, make sure to write down all of your major life events, why? Cause this bitch will forget you and true love means reading her your lives together everyday till you both die. And I'm supposed to be tripping over myself trying to find this "true love" bullshit????


  1. Feel free to read the following in Samuel L. Jackson's voice:
    Damn right, bitch. I saw 1 out of those 3 movies and hardly any other romance, so you know I ain't learned shit about no damn "true love". But if it's one thing I figured out from real people about this "true love" shit, it's that it always comes after the terrible, scarring, irrelevant shit. Only after that crazy ass mess you get the puppies and rainbows. And then guess what motherfucker? Puppies die and Lucky snatches back his charms and you're back to square 1.
    Happily ever after is always great until the shitty M. Night Shyamalan sequel comes out.
    Moral of the story, go out and find that "true love". When you do, write down every single detail. And when the shit hits the fan, get it turned into a movie and let those romantics eat it up at the box office. Just cuz the story ended horribly doesn't mean a beach house and a sick pair of shoes can't be in the plot.

  2. lmao and this is why the blog is named bitter roses! wow jus wow lol
